Vinyl paint stencil designed for the steel shroud run 2020. Minutely copied chipped paint and rust spots from the screen used DV saber prop from ESB. Makes weathering the shroud a breeze!
A few small changes were made to the shroud design, so the stencil will not match exactly with the 2017 steel shroud. It hasn’t been tested yet.
Stencil paint instructions:
- Clean the shroud with soap and allow to dry fully
- Cut out the two stencil parts (use scissors or cutter)
- Remove the stencil backing foil and apply the vinyl stickers on the shroud
- Remove the front application foil (be careful that all the tiny vinyl patches stay put!)
- Remove all the black vinyl areas and leave the brown patches
- Cover the smooth internal area with masking tape or otherwise
- Paint it black (use satin gloss spray paint) and let it dry
- Remove all the remaining vinyl patches
- Let the bare metal spots rust by spraying hot salted water on it repeatedly or leave outdoor in rainy weather for a few days!