This could very well be one of the most intriguing sabers from the OT. It started of as Luke’s stunt saber in ESB, perhaps even the same saber we know from the cave scene in the snow. It appeared as a belt hanger on Dagobah. It underwent several changes along the way in production, with different grips (even foam grips at a certain point), parts taken off, screws drilled in, presumably to hold a blade for fencing, a metal block and other greeblies added to mimic DV’s MPP hero saber in ROTJ. The Vader stunt saber version in ROTJ is how it now lives on in the Archives. This is the version we know so well because of its appearance in the famous traveling Magic Of Myth (MoM) exhibition and all the photos taken there.
Many of those images (and others) served as a basis for this kit. It contains all parts needed, except the Graflex parts.
You can buy the complete kit or the items separately. The kit includes:
- Shroud assembly with 2 aluminium parts, 2 rods and 4 set screws.
- Control box: 2 resin parts with screws
- Clamp band (steel, unpainted)
- Double ball catch (resin replica)
- Front D-ring assembly
- 7 Black hex screws
- Kobold clip with D-ring (ESB version). Sold separately here.
- Chrome valve part
- Core with front disc and center shaft
- 7 Classic T-track grips. Sold separately here.
The blueprint can be found here.
An exploded view drawing with build explanation can be found here.
Templates with the hole patterns for the Graflex front and bottom can be downloaded here. By printing these templates at 100% they can be mounted on the Graflex front and bottom and then the holes can be marked and drilled. I recommend to precisely mark the centers first with a sharp punch before drilling.
The related RPF thread can be found here.